I am a qualified Facilitator and Trainer for the Modern Stress Management (MSM) programme. This is an amazing course and contains many powerful and useful techniques to not only relieve stress but conquer it and move on. What is exciting is that all the principles can be applied to individuals, groups and corporations.

It will be at the heart of my Corporate Wellbeing support process.

Here are some of my favourite parts:

A New Definition of Stress

People can find amazing strength and motivation in all the many things that inspire us, and which can be a huge source of inspiration when we need it. Stress though is a sign that things within us are not right and need to be sorted out. There is no such thing as good stress. This is still believed by many, that some stress makes us strong, but all stress builds up until we are in emergency mode, which damages us physically and mentally.

The Power of Goal Setting

A top quality goal and powerful sensory visualisation actually empowers us to move towards it, and it gives us energy, so that the picture we have put into our future timeline will pull us towards it almost without effort. The MSM course has a very excellent Stress Chart tool, which is immensely powerful in building a ladder of goals and success so that we can move from a negative state to a positive one.

The Guild of Energists

Incredible Leadership Model

The MSM Leadership model is that everyone in the team can be empowered and energised to become leaders. This creates a transformational team that transcends the normal tasks and becomes much more. As individuals grow, so the team grows exponentially, providing strength to all members. With training and experience we can create positive relationships with others or within groups that are powerful and energetic, creating dynamics that look forwards with positive intent.

The Heart

At the centre of ourselves, our team, our business is our Values and Morality, and this is the source of power and strength for all the teams and individuals.In business, many companies have Values statements. But is this their heart? Quite often, the reality is different from the statement and their business has a broken heart and will start to fail. So rebuilding that heart will rebuild the people.

Do what you love doing, understand yourself and appreciate others, this will generate enthusiasm and success which will feed on itself and grow. If we empower ourselves and others, not only will we achieve success, it becomes logically the only thing we can do to achieve the success we deserve, and so anything becomes possible. We learn how to find energy all around us so that we become what we want to be.