The Circle of Excellence – A Testimonial

The Circle of Excellence is a simple and yet powerful tool in NLP to help you call on a strong resourceful state when you need it.

On Saturday 18th April I held a workshop on the Circle of Excellence at the Newbury Wellbeing Centre. Here is the response posted by the centre owner, Claire Bushell, that she received from one of the participants:

“According to Julie, Phil is “God Personified!”. She really enjoyed both the Circle of Excellence workshop and the NLP talk he did with particular emphasis on goal setting. It was lovely seeing how much she enjoyed her afternoon here at The Wellbeing Centre, attending all the afternoon talks and workshops including the Meditation Coaching with Carolyn and Carolyn’s talks on Alkalinity and The Air That We Breathe.”

It truly was amazing for me to see the power of NLP and the Circle of Excellence. This particular took about 15 minutes, and the change in the client’s body language was incredible.

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