My Parents- Positive and Negative
I thought I’d share this with you all, because my parents in some ways were total opposites. Just like a battery- one positive and one negative.
I thought I’d share this with you all, because my parents in some ways were total opposites. Just like a battery- one positive and one negative.
Can therapy be fun? That’s an interesting question, can therapy indeed be fun. After all, therapy can be a tough place to be. You are sitting opposite someone you don’t …
So what is Cause and Effect? We all have the strength and resources within us to succeed, but our negative emotional states blind us to them, and hide them away. …
Historic sex abuse: some questions answered. Historic sex abuse seems to be in the news a lot these days. To the extent that people seem to be asking questions such …
As a therapist I probably see around 30% of my clients for anger management issues. This is no great surprise. Life for many people these days is not easy. If …
Goal setting- does it work for you? Everyone these days seems to be goal setting like mad. Goals for your personal life, your business life, even your sex life. If …
On Saturday 5th March I will be running a two hour NLP for Success workshop at the Newbury Wellbeing Centre, starting 10am. This workshop has been designed for all those …
COUPLES!! Do you argue about the most trivial things? Does this frighten you? Are you afraid your relationship is heading for the rocks? I have two excellent events coming up …
I am now helping my third client in recent months with weight loss. The process is the same as most NLP therapies and will involve Timeline© Therapy. Why? Because Timeline© …
Bullies and Forgiveness. Not surprisingly, many people with anxiety issues, low self esteem, or worse, have negative memories of bullies at school. When they come to me as adults, we …