Upcoming events: Relationship stress

COUPLES!! Do you argue about the most trivial things? Does this frighten you? Are you afraid your relationship is heading for the rocks?

I have two excellent events coming up soon, both looking at Relationship Stress. Specifically we will be looking at how simple arguments over sometimes trivial matters can escalate into huge ones, to the surprise and distress of both parties.

There can quite often be a simple solution to this, and armed with this new understanding, couples can change the way they talk to each other and really improve the quality of their relationship.

The first course is at the Haven Wellbeing Hub (Wokingham) on Tuesday 23rd February, starting at 6.30pm. It is a one hour workshop in which we will explore this new communication style and look at how it makes a huge difference to what could be a struggling relationship. By the way, this method applies to all relationships, including the way you interact with people at work for example.

The Haven Wellbeing Hub course is £15, please book your space by calling me on 07764859618

The second workshop will be at the Newbury Wellbeing Centre on Saturday 27th February at 10am. This is a two hour course on the same topic, costing £30. The extra hour at this course will allow us to explore how to use Emotional Freedom to expand upon the improvements we make in communication and will really increase the bond between people. It is an incredible and exciting process, well worth experiencing.

Again, please call me on 07764859618 to book.