Coming soon-The Horrors of Communication Breakdown.
The rain was coming down so hard it was almost like driving through a waterfall. Susan could barely see the road in the darkness despite the wipers thrashing across the …
The rain was coming down so hard it was almost like driving through a waterfall. Susan could barely see the road in the darkness despite the wipers thrashing across the …
How do I get off the therapy treadmill? Yes, this is a question that clients have asked me. How do I get off the therapy treadmill? One client said that …
Once again, a day of Energy EFT (EEFT) with some marvellous delegates has been a day of energy, joy and power. So what can you expect from this amazing day? …
Although the benefits of a Wellbeing policy and process for business may seem obvious, most businesses will want to see a return on the their investment in the Wellbeing process …
**** THIS IS A 3 DAY COURSE**** 8TH OCTOBER 9TH OCTOBER 15TH OCTOBER Held at the Haven Wellbeing Hub in Wokingham. EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT IS AVAILABLE. Read on…. Are you …
EEFT courses for June 25th and September 17th 2016 EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT AVAILABLE. Read on…. The EEFT Foundation Course is an all day course designed to teach you the fundamentals …
Leicester City Football Club really have done the world of Sports Psychology and Energists a huge favour. Why? Because on paper, what they did by winning the Premiership should not …
On Sunday 24th April 2016, I held my first ever EEFT Foundation Course training day. This is a full day course designed to introduce you to the glory and power …
Yes indeed everyone, the brand new EEFT Foundation Course is here, as published and recognised by the Guild of Energists and the Association of Meridian Therapies. This is a full …
EFT Demonstration on the word MAGNIFICENT! This is a short Periscope broadcast on the basic techniques of EFT and demonstrating it on the power word Magnificent. EFT is an incredible …