EEFT Foundation Course Feedback blog

Once again, a day of Energy EFT (EEFT) with some marvellous delegates has been a day of energy, joy and power.

So what can you expect from this amazing day?

  • The origin and history of EFT
  • How to tap and why tapping works
  • The Energy Body and being Mindful of what your body is telling you
  • The Sue Scale, how to assess your mood and how to advance from Stress to Success.
  • Moving from problems to solutions
  • Look into the past and forgive yourself so that you can move on
  • Sharing the joy and empowerment of EFT with others
  • Take yourself to plus 10 and beyond!

Although this course is the precursor to the EFT Master Practitioner course, it is perfect for anyone who would love to learn some simple techniques to enhance and empower their lives. It teaches you how to recognise when your mood drops and how to shoot your mood back into the positive. How would you like to feel full of energy and joy every day? Well, with EEFT you can do it.

What makes the day special is the group of delegates, in this case Hayley Louise, Wendy Beresford and Tracy Morrow. When you get a group this good, creating a huge and positive ‘bubble’ in the room is not only easy, it becomes an amazing source of Energy. Together we worked through the course, and shared our ideas, experience and positive experiences with EEFT. In this type of course, you will find that we quite often go off subject to help a delegate with an issue, or a problem. This is perfectly normal, it would be surprising if it didn’t happen. The final tapping round on the Heart of Gold is brilliant and we all sit down again in a warm glow of power and joy.

EEFT is incredible. EEFT is empowering. EEFT is life-changing.

For more information, you can go here


