EEFT Foundation Course

On Sunday 24th April 2016, I held my first ever EEFT Foundation Course training day. This is a full day course designed to introduce you to the glory and power of EFT, and also to whet your appetite to learn more. At the end of the course you have the skills to use it for yourself whenever you need it, and to share it with friends, family and anyone- even a total stranger.

It is also the first required step towards the EFT Master Practitioner qualification, so if you are interested in using EFT therapy as a qualified and insured practitioner, it is a very good way to begin.

As this was my first ever EFT training day, naturally I was apprehensive, but also excited. I had four very lovely students, 3 of whom had never done EFT before, which was good. When we went into the Heart position for the first time, one of the students started to cry softly. Just the act of relaxing, letting go, and breathing slowly let go of some pent-up energy inside her. Right from that moment, I KNEW we were going to have a great day. They weren’t bad tears, they were just tears of release, and sometimes just what is needed to drop a barrier and open yourself to healing.

As the day progressed, the students and myself got higher and higher on the positivity of EFT, ending with a round of tapping where we were shouting out the set up with laughter and joy. It felt like the room had completely filled with energy.

I can’t rate this course highly enough. It is empowering, joyful, energising and amazing. You WILL learn how to energise yourself any time, anywhere. You CAN be powerful every day, happy EVERY day, in control every day. I have been a trainer in the corporate world for many years and delivered many training programmes. This is the best ever, because you walk out with the tools you need to have the life you want.
