Stress workshops coming up in March

I have two Stress Workshops coming up in March. On Tuesday 8th, 6.30pm there will be a one hour stress workshop at the Haven Wellbeing Hub in Wokingham. On Saturday 12th March, 10am, there will be a two hour workshop at the Newbury Wellbeing Centre.

Both of these courses will focus on how to remove our stress and improve how we feel using EFT. There are several integral parts to this:

  • Introducing the SUE scale, which is a measure of our stress. Where we are on the SUE scale will influence which techniques we use to move ourselves up the scale to a higher and better score.
  • The Heart and Soul protocol which is an instant stress relief technique for when things are really bad. But this is also the opening position of EFT and the start of something very special- the Sanctuary (more later)
  • EFT. This will help raise your SUE scale and get from minus into plus by allowing you to release your stress and open yourself up to growing into the positive side of the SUE scale
  • Positive EFT. Now you are in the plus side of the SUE scale, let’s get you buzzing! This course isn’t about getting you into a placid, zero state. Why be zero when you could be plus 10?

These processes will also show you that all disturbances in the energy body with the corresponding physical symptoms are in fact STRESS in the energy body. So these techniques can be used for therapy AND as techniques to improve mental health.

The two hour course will include Sanctuary meditation. This is an incredible technique for stress and anxiety relief, but can then develop into an amazing tool for creativity and a safe place to engage your issues and deal with them. Wow.

Here is the link for the one hour Haven workshop:

Here is the link for the two hour Newbury workshop: